Mental Illness: It Isn't Any Less Real

kind words mental health v. physical health mental illness v. physical illness Aug 19, 2024

Have you ever considered how absurd it would be if people addressed physical illness with the same insensitivity as mental illness is often addressed?

I have come across this picture a few times and I love it more and more every time and felt like it was worth sharing with all of you.

It is important that we approach depression or anxiety with as much empathy and compassion as we would someone who is diabetic or has the flu. Mental illness isn’t any less real than physical illness, it’s just harder to see.

Living with a disease is hard enough, then adding the pressure of others who seem to think “If you can’t see it, then it can’t be that bad” or “They are over-exaggerating” or “They are just acting that way for attention” can put people over the top. In the same respect, one kind word, genuine hug or expression of concern can also make all the difference. I challenge everyone this week to think before they judge and smile before they criticize because you don’t know who’s life you could be changing – for the better.

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1 day retreat focused on nurturing Mama's body, mind and spirit. Spaces limited, so grab a friend and register now!

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